Mission Statement

Marcella Barnes Modern Homestead Community Mission Statement

The purpose of the Marcella Barnes Modern Homestead Community (MBMHC) is to holistically improve community and environmental well-being while providing a model for sustainable community land management and contributing to the public health knowledge base.

Marcella Barnes was a woman known for many things, but more than her bountiful and picturesque gardens, she was known for her unfailing kindness. She was not a woman who simply preached kindness, but rather embodied it daily. Whether she was hosting a summer camp for children in her backyard, sharing her garden with any who asked, teaching children to read, or going without for herself so she could do more for others, she was always giving back. As a foster mom and grandmother, she taught the importance of patience, integrity, respect, and education. She would often say things like: “waste not want not”, “do unto others”, and “we are blessed with such a wonderful planet, we have to take good care of it”.

The MBMHC will be a community resource with a holistic approach to community and environmental improvement while utilizing resources responsibly. There will be several key facets of the MBMHC including providing
-Community and Childhood education on food production, sustainable living, etc
-Low-income housing
-Job training and provision
-Community Garden space
-Alec Jupp Outdoor Community Performance & Meeting Space
-Marla Jupp Community Hall for providing community meals and food donations, and an indoor performance & meeting space
-Daniel Barnes Working Wood Forest
-Heirloom Produce & Heritage Livestock conservation
-Collaborate with researchers to increase knowledge of herbal medicine, effects of diet/lifestyle on chronic diseases over short and long term, and psychosocial and intellectual impact of MHC living, particularly for the long-term projects (#)
-Foster child home, including special needs foster children #
-Continuous Care Retirement living for Seniors #
-Elementary through High School education with a challenging, holistic curriculum and themes of sustainability, cooperation and positive change #
-Disaster Resource for the community #

All of these components, combined with the private MBMHC residents and their assets and knowledge, which they share freely, work to ensure the MBMHC will be a community asset and healthy happy home to many people and animals.

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